Design Templates and Themes in Cognos Analytics
Standard out-of-box templates and themes in Cognos Cognos Analytics comes with a set of standard templates and themes that can be imported. After initial installation, there will only be two templates available: If this is all that you see, the standard templates and themes still need to be imported. They are located in a deployment file in the Cognos installation folder. (If you don’t have access to the administration functions of Cognos, talk to one of your Cognos administrators about importing the Cognos samples.) The standard templates and themes are located in a file called which is usually located in the following folder: <Cognos Installation Location>/deployment/ If it’s not there, check in: <Cognos Installation Location/samples/deployment/ and copy it to the previous location. Then, go to the Cognos Administration Console under Manage. Select the Configuration tab and click on Content Administration. Create a new Import by clic...